Stroops OptiMill Treadmill
Maximize the Ease and Smooth Treading with the Flat Stroops OptiMill Treadmill
The Stroops Optimill is the first flat treadmill of its kind, this lightweight motorless treadmill brings the true road experience to your gym or home. Designed to maximize safety and smoothness. This self-powered treadmill makes your indoor runs like they have never been before.
When we say true running experience, we mean it! Where most treadmills miss is taking away your need to drive your foot into the ground to move forward. The flat surface with force-absorbing tread makes it essential for you to propel yourself forward for the belt to move.
From a safety perspective, the Optimill is built to stop the instant you stop running, allowing for not only a comfortable experience but an experience comparable to running on pavement.
Compatible with Stroops Slastix bands and equipment, this piece is ideal for the avid runner, rehabbing individual, and high-performance athlete. With most treadmills you “feel” like you’re running. With the Optimill, you actually are.
Stroops OptiMill Key Features
- Self-propelled treadmill with a flat surface to replicate road running.
- The first of its kind merging performance with movement patterns.
- Great for rehabilitation, high-intensity training, or anything in between.
Stroops OptiMill Tech Specs